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Contemporary Paintings

"Winter and Spring" by Dan Ferrer 240 x 175 cm

"Winter and Spring" by Dan Ferrer 240 x 175 cm

Regular price €12.000,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €12.000,00 EUR
Sale Sold
Acrylic, spray paint and 24K gold leaf on Belgian linen canvas.
My work "Winter and Spring" is inspired by the ancient Greek myth of "Persephone", a goddess who lived unhappy for 6 months, waiting for the moment to be reunited with her daughter Demeter. At the deadline, Hades released the girl, who returned to her mother for another 6 months, thus filling her with happiness. This situation occurred every year and those changes of state in Persephone gave rise to the seasons on earth.
That transition from gray winter to colorful spring is also a transition in my art that is reflected in this painting.
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